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Bronx Slip and Fall Lawyer

A Bronx slip and fall lawyer works on behalf of those injured in slip and fall accidents. A slip and fall accident is a common type of premises liability case in the Bronx, New York. In fact, these accidents are second only to car accidents when it comes to causes of accidental injury and death.
Even in cases where the resulting injuries are treatable, trips to the emergency room, physical therapists, and other forms of medical care can be extremely expensive. On top of that, those injured in a fall may miss work, losing out on income that they and their family relied on, causing them to suffer financially as well.
In cases where someone else is to blame, the person who sustained harm in a Bronx slip and fall may be able to recover financial compensation. The law states that property owners must ensure reasonably safe conditions, so when a fall or accident occurs from hazardous premises, those owners may be liable and owe you damages.
If you or a loved one have been injured in one of these incidents, it’s important to reach out to Bronx slip and fall accident injury lawyers for legal advice.
Slip and Fall injury lawyer in Bronx

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

There are many factors that could contribute to a trip or another fall injury. Here are a few of the common dangers and leading causes that might result in a slip and fall accident in the Bronx, New York.
  • Wet, slippery surfaces or spilled liquids on the floor
  • Unstable or uneven floorboards
  • Tattered or raised carpets
  • Unsecured mats or rugs
  • Cracks or potholes
  • Uneven pathways, pavements or stairs
  • Exposed wiring, debris, or other obstructions
  • Ice or snow depending on the situation
There are many causal factors such as insufficient lighting, absence of handrails, and damaged staircase steps that can give rise to a trip and fall. However, to establish a legal slip and fall case and recover damages, you must demonstrate that someone else’s negligence caused you harm. The standards that the owner of a building or property must meet will be different depending on the reason you were at the location and what caused you to fall. A Bronx personal injury lawyer can help you determine if the cause is related to negligent behavior or a danger on the premises and will fight on your behalf to potentially secure economic compensation.
Slip and Fall injury lawyer in Bronx

Common Injuries Experienced in Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall injuries can range from minor to catastrophic impacts on your health and even cause death. In fact, statistics indicate more than 46,000 people died in slip and falls in 2022 alone. Here are some of the other fall-related injuries that result from these common accidents in the Bronx, New York.

Fractured Bones

Fractures or broken bones are a common consequence of falls. Older individuals or those with conditions like osteoporosis, are more at risk of falling and most likely to experience increased severity from fall-related fractures.

Neck and Back Injuries

Muscle pain and strain in the back and neck are often caused by falls. This outcome can happen when the person suffered a serious fall, but even minor slips can lead to such harm.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Falls can result in a TBI. Even if a person’s head doesn’t directly hit the ground, their brain can suffer harm from the sudden jolt of the impact.

Sprained Ankles or Wrists

An attempt to break a fall can lead to sprains or strains in ankles or wrists. These slip-related damage can be debilitating and prevent people from engaging in activities like typing or walking.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Apart from fractures, falls can cause soft tissue injuries in muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Symptoms of these include pain, swelling, and bruising.

Knee Tears or Dislocations

Knee joints are complex and somewhat fragile, making them susceptible to injury during a fall. Ligament tears and dislocations may require extensive treatment, including surgery.

Dislocated Shoulders

Falls often result in shoulder dislocations when the person lands on the joint. If the shoulder bone pops out of its socket, it can cause significant pain and discomfort.

Spine and Nerve Damage

Spinal cord and nerve damage can lead to intense pain, weakness, and even paralysis. A slip and fall can cause this, potentially resulting in life-altering consequences that often require ongoing medical care and support.

Cuts and Bruises

External and internal injuries during a slip and fall in the Bronx can result in cuts and bruises. Although these may appear minor in comparison to other potential consequences related to falls, in serious cases, they can lead to disfigurement.
In the worst-case scenarios, falls can lead to fatal results. While injured individuals can seek legal representation for themselves, in the case of a wrongful death claim, family members should reach out to a Bronx slip and fall attorney to learn more about their legal options and potential damages.

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Injury in The Bronx, New York

As with any serious injury, the first concern should be seeking immediate medical attention. However, there are a few other actions you should take to protect yourself and your ability to file a claim in the Bronx. If possible, immediately or soon following the accident, you should:
  • Record the slip accident scene: If possible, take photographs that show the cause of the fall. For instance, if liquid on the floors or a bunched-up carpet led to the slip or fall, take a photo of those circumstances.
  • Gather information from witnesses: Collect names and contact details of bystanders who might be able to provide accounts of what happened.
  • Attend to injuries promptly: Seek medical attention, even if the harm seems relatively minor. Waiting to get medical attention can impact your claim.
  • File an accident report: If the incident occurred on someone else’s property, take the time to make an official accident report.
  • Document your account: Note down any details you remember about the incident, surroundings, witnesses, and any insights into the accident’s cause and keep that information secure.
  • Use caution with social media: If you post photos on social media, those might be used against you. Defense attorneys will sometimes review your posts, and if you are spotted engaging in physical activities, they might use this information to claim your damages weren’t severe.
Like other personal injury cases (car crashes, bicycle accidents, pedestrian incidents etc.), you will want to collect as much of this documentation as you can. You can then go over your evidence with your Bronx slip and fall accident attorneys. An attorney will be able to review that evidence to help build your injury claim and recover damages.

Understanding the Level of Duty in a Slip and Fall Case

One of the first things to understand in a slip and fall case in The Bronx, New York, is the level of duty the property owner owed based on the visitor’s permission status. Here is a breakdown of the different levels of duty:
  • Invitees: The highest duty of care is to individuals invited onto the property for the owner’s business purposes, such as customers in grocery stores or retail shops. In these cases, owners of businesses must create safe conditions on the property and warn about known dangers.
  • Licensees: These are people permitted onto the property for their own purposes, like party guests at an apartment or service providers in a home. The owner should warn anyone coming for such a visit of known dangers that could cause a slip or another accident, and they must not intentionally endanger them.
  • Trespassers: Adults without permission to enter the property are trespassers. Owners are only obliged not to intentionally harm them.
  • Child trespassers: Property owners must take reasonable steps to protect children from foreseeable dangers, including a slip or fall, that could lead to accidents on the property, even if they are trespassing.
In the Bronx, New York, our clients might also be able to sue the city or local government if a fall is due to an unreasonably unsafe sidewalk or you slipped because of another hazardous condition on public property.

What Happens in a Slip and Fall Case in The Bronx, New York

Slip and fall accidents may initially lead to insurance claims under the responsible party’s policy. When insurance companies policy’s cover accidents, the fall accident victims generally file a claim with the property owner’s insurance company. Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult as they may be highly resistant to paying out large sums and will often offer less than the victim may really be owed. If the parties can reach a fair settlement, the matter ends there. However, given that there are potentially millions of dollars on the line, there’s often disagreement on issues like the cause of a slip, fault, responsibility or compensation. If the parties don’t agree, then the injured party may file a personal injury lawsuit against the property owner.
In the Bronx, New York, the legal process begins with a complaint that details the nature of the slip and fall accident claim. Next, the defendant responds with an answer, admitting or denying any allegations and presenting their defenses. Then, the discovery phase follows, and both sides gather information through written questions, document requests, and depositions.
Parties might use alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or settlement conferences to resolve the lawsuit outside of court and without trial. However, a few slip and fall cases do go to trial, in which case, you must prove that the other party was negligent.
If the injured party is successful, they will be able to collect damages from the defendant.

What Compensation is Available to Bronx Slip and Fall Injury Victims?

Those who are injured in the Bronx, New York slip and fall accidents have access to various types of monetary compensation. When handling your case, your lawyer must thoroughly evaluate your past, present, and anticipated losses to determine the appropriate compensation to seek.
If your slip related accident injuries cause you ongoing challenges such as limited mobility, lasting disability, or otherwise affect your daily life, you should recover compensation that reflects these difficulties.
Depending on the specifics of your slip and fall incident, your personal injury lawyer may seek damages for:
  • Current medical expenses incurred for hospital stays and diagnoses and treatment
  • Expected costs for future medical treatment
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Lost wages during your recovery period
  • Potential loss of future earnings
  • Assistance from family members or hired aides for in-home care
  • Necessary adjustments to your vehicle or residence to accommodate disabilities
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality of life

Can a Bronx Slip and Fall Attorney Tell Me How Much My Slip and Fall Case Worth?

Determining a fair settlement amount in your slip and fall case will hinge on how badly you were hurt, your prior medical expenses, and likely future costs stemming from your accident. Normally, the assessment begins with medical expenses and progresses. After tallying your bills, your Bronx slip and fall lawyer might calculate a fair settlement by using a multiplier that will lead the total damages to go up. Typically, a multiplier will range from 1.5 to 5, and will increase your total damages. The maximum (5) may come into play when an accident causes harm that is life-altering or permanent. However, the majority of personal injury settlements involve a multiplier between 1.5 and 3.
The only way to get a true case evaluation is by working with a team of legal professionals who know the facts of your case and are ready to represent you in your Bronx, New York legal claim. Fortunately, you can get a free consultation to discuss your New York City injury case.

Contact a Bronx Slip and Fall Lawyer Today

No one should have to face an accident on their own. Every slip and fall accident case is unique and deserves personalized attention. The best way to get information on your individual claim is by reaching out to Bronx slip and fall lawyers for a thorough case evaluation. Your Bronx, New York, attorney will be able to review the facts related to your accident claim, offer their opinion on its value, and develop a strategy to pursue compensation.
You have a right to hold a negligent party responsible for hazards or a dangerous condition that impedes your safety. Remember, New York state law (the statute of limitations) places a three-year limit on how long you have to file a slip and fall claim. Because of this, if you wait more than three years, the courts will block your claim. Don’t delay connecting with a Bronx premises liability attorney. Your lawyer needs time to investigate so be sure to give them plenty of notice and not to call just two days before the deadline.
With Gregory Spektor & Associates, P.C., your free case consultation and evaluation is just a call away. If you were injured in a slip and fall, contact us today and schedule a time to speak with one of our experienced Bronx slip and fall attorneys about your case and collecting the compensation you deserve.