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Bronx Truck Accident Lawyer

Experiencing any automobile accident is undoubtedly distressing, but collisions involving large trucks are often especially catastrophic because they are frequently more severe. Because of the size and carrying capacity of the involved vehicles, these collisions may lead to potentially life-altering injuries or even death. Such serious incidents invariably give rise to complicated inquiries and large potential damages.

For individuals seriously hurt in trucking crashes, you have the right to engage legal counsel. Your attorney can help you navigate the complexities and advocate for fair compensation while holding the responsible party or parties liable. If you were injured in a crash, connecting with a Bronx truck accident lawyer needs to be a top priority. 

How Our Bronx Truck Accident Attorneys Can Help You

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident in the Bronx, New York, you need the support of a team of experienced Bronx truck accident lawyers. Here’s how your attorney can help:

  • Legal Guidance: Your Bronx personal injury lawyer offers advice tailored to your unique circumstances to help you navigate the complexities of your truck accident case.
  • Rights Protection: Your attorney’s priority is to protect your rights throughout the litigation process. They will work diligently to advocate on your behalf and secure the best possible outcome for your case.
  • Claim Evaluation: Your legal representation can conduct a thorough evaluation of your truck accident case, considering factors such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, to determine the true value of your claim.
  • Free Consultation: A complimentary consultation allows you to discuss your case and receive personalized advice. This initial meeting allows your potential lawyer to understand your situation better and develop a strategic plan for your path toward compensation.

If you have questions or want your case evaluated, contact us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward seeking justice and fair compensation for your losses.

Common Causes Of Truck Accidents in the Bronx

Each accident is unique. However, data indicates that there are certain common causes of Bronx truck-related accidents. 

Some stem from a driver’s lack of understanding of trucks and their maneuverability. For instance, trucks cannot stop fast. Pulling into the front of a truck can leave the driver unable to slow down or stop in time to avoid a collision. According to trucking company Schneider, a semi-truck traveling 65 miles per hour will take 525 feet to come to a stop. That’s roughly 1.5 football fields.

There are plenty of other ways that drivers may cause accidents with commercial trucks, including:

  • Driving in truck drivers’ blind spots
  • Pulling in front of a truck without accelerating enough
  • Traveling between large trucks
  • Misjudging the speed of a truck
  • Traveling to the side of a truck as it turns

However, truck drivers are also responsible for accidents because of their driving-related errors, such as:

  • Driving while fatigued (the demands of an unreasonable schedule and too many hours on the road sometimes contribute making trucker logs important evidence)
  • Driving while using substances like alcohol or drugs to stay awake
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Improper loading of cargo or overloading cargo
  • Poor truck maintenance 

Neither list is exhaustive, but it does show that there are many ways that driving-related errors or violations of driving rules or regulations can cause a Bronx truck accident and that either driver may be at fault. 

Types Of Truck Accidents in Bronx

Many types of Bronx truck accidents are similar to other car crashes, although the consequences, injuries, and property damage are likely to be more severe when a truck is involved. Some common trucking accident types include:

  • Rear-end accidents
  • Sideswipes
  • Blind spot accidents
  • Intersection accidents, such as left-turn crashes
  • Pedestrian or bicycle accidents

Other accident types are more specific to large trucks. For instance: 

Avoiding Danger Areas Around Trucks

Drivers must use caution at all times, but prioritizing safety is especially important near large trucks. Giving a wide berth to large trucks can help prevent a car from being in a driver’s blind spot or from stopping short in front of a vehicle that can’t slow down quickly. 

While drivers in smaller vehicles can take steps to decrease the risk of a crash, truck drivers, given their extreme size, also bear much of the responsibility for using caution and avoiding dangerous situations when traveling on NYC  roads.

Common Injuries After A Truck Accident in the Bronx

Every crash is different, but truck accidents in New York City and the Bronx tend to have more severe outcomes because of the massive size of the vehicles involved. Here is a range of common consequences for truck accident victims:

  • Back and neck injuries: These may relate to the impact of the truck accident, including conditions like whiplash. 
  • Spinal cord injuries: Damage to the spinal cord can cause life-altering damage such as partial or complete paralysis.
  • Head and brain injuries: From minor concussions to traumatic brain injuries, damage to a person’s head can have lasting effects on cognitive function.
  • Burn injuries: The impact of a truck accident can lead to ruptured fuel tanks and fires, causing painful burns and severe tissue damage that require costly medical care. 
  • Amputation and disfigurement: The force of a truck collision can result in loss of limbs or severe disfigurement. 
  • Internal injuries and organ damage: Sometimes, truck crash victims might not experience obvious external trauma but instead have internal damage to their organs or broken ribs. 
  • Cuts, bruises, broken bones, and lacerations: While considered less severe than other injuries, these still require treatment.

In some cases, the injuries can lead to permanent disability. Unfortunately, Bronx truck accidents may also lead to fatal results. In those traffic accidents, reaching out to a skilled truck accident lawyer can help family members determine the appropriate damages to claim.

Where Do Truck Accidents Occur In The Bronx? 

Truck accidents can occur anywhere where trucks travel. That means they can happen on any city street. However, truck accidents within the Bronx typically occur along the Cross Bronx Expressway or Bronx River Parkway.

Those injured in a trucking crash in the area can contact a Bronx truck accident attorney for advice on how to handle their claim.

What To Do After A Truck Accident In The Bronx?

Following a Bronx, New York trucking accident, drivers should take certain steps, including:

Notify Law Enforcement

If you can, immediately inform the police of the truck accident. Dial 911 and tell the dispatcher about the accident, including any available details, such as the number of individuals or vehicles involved.

Seek Medical Assistance

If you or anyone else sustains serious or life-threatening injuries, seek emergency medical attention. Inform the 911 dispatcher if you sustained an injury when you report a Bronx truck accident.

Even if you do not believe that you are injured, you might want to seek medical aid promptly after leaving the scene. Injuries are often more severe than those involved in Bronx truck accidents immediately realize. 

Capture Scene Details

If you are not severely injured, you should take immediate steps to document the truck accident scene. While being careful not to put yourself at risk of another accident, photograph the scene, including:

  • The positions of the vehicles
  • Visible injuries sustained by you and any passengers
  • Damage to all vehicles
  • Anything else that might support your reconstruction of the sequence of events

Exchange Information

If you can communicate with the other truck driver, a passenger or drivers while awaiting law enforcement, exchange contact and insurance policy information, including:

  • Full names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses
  • Driver’s license numbers
  • License plate numbers
  • Auto insurance details

Additionally, if the other driver was operating a commercial truck, obtain their employer’s name, contact number, and address. The trucking company may become involved in the case as the driver’s employer.

Speak to Witnesses

If you see witnesses nearby, collect their names and contact information. Don’t try to make formal statements. Simply focus on gathering valid contact details.

Exercise Caution in Communication

Be mindful of your statements following the accident and during the investigation. Insurance companies or other drivers could potentially use your words against you. Insurers don’t want to spend a large amount of money to compensate you. If they can turn your words against you to justify a low payout, they likely will. Reserve discussions about fault or liability for your lawyer. 

Assess Vehicle Damage

Don’t agree to any repairs until after you contact your insurance company and have the damage assessed. 

Adhere to Medical Instructions

If you fail to comply with medical directives, the insurance company may argue you weren’t injured or will want to reduce your compensation.

Consult a Truck Accident Attorney in the Bronx

You should schedule a consultation with an attorney if you were engaged in a truck accident. Your lawyer will analyze your case details and guide you on ways to protect your rights. 

Also, remember that in New York, the state’s statute of limitations typically allows three years from the date of the truck accident to file an insurance claim for damages. In a wrongful death case, that statute only allows families and loved ones two years to file a claim. Your advocate will need time to gather records and evidence and build a strategy. Reaching out to a Bronx truck accident lawyer sooner rather than later is the best way to protect your New York accident claim from being barred based on a technicality.

What Parties May Be Liable After A Truck Accident In The Bronx

Depending on the circumstances, either party may be liable. Additionally, in the case of commercial trucks and trucking companies, it’s worth investigating whether the employer may be liable. Sometimes, the victim’s behavior also contributed to the accident. In that case, they might still be eligible to recover compensation as long as another party is more at fault. Speaking to experienced Bronx truck accident attorneys is the best way to determine who might be at fault in your case. 

Compensation After A Bronx Truck Accident

Because of the severe injuries that truck accidents often cause, compensation, including economic and non-economic damages, might be extensive. Those injured might collect for:

  • Past medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Future medical expenses and lost earnings
  • Pain and suffering

In the tragic case of an accident victim losing their life in a motor vehicle collision involving a truck, families may file wrongful death claims and collect:

  • Medical expenses 
  • Pain and suffering experienced before death
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of earnings
  • Loss of financial benefits
  • Loss of parental guidance
  • Loss of support 

It’s possible that someone could recover this compensation after negotiations, but other times they might need to take their case to trial. If you must take your case to trial, recovery will only occur if you are successful in front of the jury.

How Long Do I Have to File a Truck Accident Lawsuit in the Bronx?

According to New York laws, there is a timeframe known as the statute of limitations. This law grants individuals three years from the occurrence of a truck accident to initiate legal proceedings by filing a New York lawsuit. Failure to file within this deadline can prevent you from filing your case or lead to an immediate dismissal by the court. Engaging a Bronx, New York law firm at the earliest opportunity can get you protection for your rights and mitigate the risk of forfeiting your chance to seek the compensation you deserve. 

Remember that the preparation of a case and the thorough assessment of facts requires time, so don’t delay seeking representation. Reach out today to schedule a consultation with an experienced New York Bronx truck accident lawyer, and learn more about your legal options.

How a Bronx Accident Attorney Can Help Calculate Damages

Calculating damages in a trucking accident case means determining shares of liability, adding up actual costs like medical expenses or lost income and earning capabilities, and then, often, using a multiplier to come up with a number for pain and suffering. 

Connecting with experienced Bronx truck accident attorneys is the best way to calculate the damages in your specific case. In some cases, your lawyer might enlist the help of a knowledgeable expert to provide insights to your medical care and present evidence to support claims for the compensation you deserve.

Are You Eligible To Recover Compensation For Your Injuries?

Eligibility depends on many factors, including fault. If you are partly to blame for the truck accident, the court can reduce your damages based on your share of fault. Also, if you are injured as a result of your job, you might need to go through the workers’ compensation system rather than a lawsuit. Your lawyer can investigate the facts and help you determine whether you are eligible.

Should I Hire A Bronx Truck Accident Lawyer?

If you sustained injuries in a truck accident in the Bronx, New York, you need to speak to a Bronx truck accident attorney. Only a professional who knows the facts of your case can offer you the most useful legal advice, represent you effectively in court, and fight for you to recover compensation. 

It’s important to reach out sooner rather than later because they will be able to assist with negotiations with insurers even before the case goes to court. Without a Bronx trucking accident attorney to offer advice and guidance, people may say things that they don’t know will come back to damage their claim or agree to settlements that are lower than they are owed. 

Visit our site to read reviews from clients or schedule a consultation to speak with a Bronx, New York lawyer.


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