No matter the industry in which you work on a daily basis, there may be potential for an accident that results in serious injuries. However, some occupations present more frequent opportunities for injury and even wrongful death, especially if heavy machinery is often used or dangerous situations are common. Construction workers fall into this category of occupations that are particularly hazardous to their health.
On a construction site, there is a wide variety of heavy machinery in use throughout the area, including such things as a tower crane with a crane boom and crane loads. Although the crane operator is usually well-trained and thoroughly familiar with the operations of the tower crane, there is still potential that a crane accident can happen. When this is the case and tower crane-related incidents happen, serious – often fatal – injuries can occur.
Those workers who have been injured in tower crane accidents or the families of those who have experienced crane-related deaths deserve to fight for compensation for their losses and damages. Owners of the New York City construction company, as well as general contractors, may be held liable for any crane accidents (or other incidents on the site) that result in injuries or crane-related fatalities of tower crane operators or other workers on construction sites.
At Gregory Spektor & Associates, our expert Queens-based personal injury attorneys have vast experience with cases of occupational safety, including construction incidents such as most crane accidents. When a tower crane collapses or hoist safety is ignored, even the most well-trained workers may sustain serious injury or even death. Fatal accidents related to cranes on a construction site can severely impact the lives and livelihoods of construction laborers. Our New York City crane accident attorneys will work diligently to fight for the compensation and justice you deserve for your injuries and losses.
When heavy machinery is involved, it is important that only trained workers on the job site with the appropriate knowledge and experience in the private construction industry should be permitted to operate such equipment as a crane with heavy loads.
The operation of cranes is susceptible to human error in a variety of ways, and one mistake can result in falling debris, power lines, and street traffic being interrupted, electrical cables being knocked down, and an injured person on the job site.
A fatal crane accident in New York City can occur in a multitude of ways. Some of the most common causes of crane accidents include:
Whether it was poor training, an equipment malfunction, or a crane collapse, New York City personal injury lawyers such as ours at Gregory Spektor & Associates can help victims who were injured after being struck by the crane and the families of those killed in crane accidents fight for compensation for their losses.
When it comes to crane accidents or situations related to heavy machinery, the injured or killed worker may be eligible for compensation from the owner of the construction company and/or the general contractor for the location. In some cases, the general contractor or owner does not even need to be present when the accident occurs in order to be held liable. They are responsible for ensuring safety, meeting their obligation of duty of care, and checking for any negligence on their site.
In certain situations related to crane accidents in the private sector, a crane operator or crane signal person for the riggers may be held responsible for the injuries and fatalities caused by the accident. This is especially true when the fatalities or injuries were caused by an operator’s lack of training or inability to complete his operation of the crane.
For other situations such as a crane collapse, the operator (as long as he or she is a competent person and well-trained) may not have had any control over the situation. In these cases, the fault would fall on the general industry contractor or owner at the site.
These types of accidents can be very complex and involve a significant number of parties, so it is best that injured workers or families related to accident fatalities contact an experienced attorney for legal advice and representation.
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries, losses, and damages as a result of a crane accident, you may be eligible for compensation from the responsible parties. The best way to know if you have a claim and can file a suit is to contact an experienced attorney for a free consultation to discuss your situation involving tower cranes.
Before that, you can consider the circumstances to determine if you might have a potential personal injury claim for crane accidents. Tower cranes are inherently dangerous to have on the construction site due to their massive height and potential to carry extremely heavy loads. When crane operations cause an accident, the injuries can be catastrophic and the resulting medical bills and lost wages could be devastating for the injured party.
If in your situation, the above reasons for accidents involving tower cranes were met, it is very likely that you have a case. The owner and general contractor of the site have a responsibility to maintain a reasonably safe workplace environment according to OSHA standards.
2023 saw a number of notable crane accidents, including a fiery crane collapse in midtown Manhattan that left 9 civilians and 3 firefighters injured. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 5,486 fatal work injuries in 2022. Fatalities related to machinery accounted for 199 fatalities. Moreover, transportation and material moving occupations and construction and extraction occupations saw the most deaths.
Contact the accident attorneys at Gregory Spektor & Associates to discuss your crane-related injuries and the potential for filing a claim due to improper crane operation.
When victims have sustained serious injuries because of cranes on a worksite, they should be able to focus their attention on healing and recovery so that they can get back to work sooner. Hiring an attorney will help you be able to take the weight of medical bills, insurance adjusters, lost wages, and other concerns off of your shoulders.
At Gregory Spektor & Associates, we strive to give construction accident victims the time and ability to focus on the most important part of their lives – their health. The stress of insurance claim settlements and medical bills can push true healing further away. Allow our accident attorneys to fight for your rights as a victim and the compensation you deserve.
If you or a loved one was injured or suffered other serious losses as a result of a crane accident caused by inexperienced crane operators, unsafe working conditions, electrical outlets for mobile cranes, or faulty equipment, you may be eligible for compensation from the site owner and/or general contractor.
Being in charge of the crane tower and the load it lifts is an important job but also creates a hazard. It is critical that injured parties seek legal advice and representation from an experienced attorney such as ours at Gregory Spektor & Associates to fight for the compensation they deserve.
At Gregory Spektor & Associates, our legal team has vast experience in the personal injury field, and we go the distance for construction site workers who have been hurt in crane accidents. We form a solid attorney-client relationship so that you can always feel like there is someone on your side throughout the whole process. From crane collapse situations to a falling boom load and many more circumstances, our lawyers will work tirelessly for you and your family.
We will help you get the justice that you deserve.
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