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Hurt in a Car Accident? See if You May Be Eligible For a Huge Cash Settlement. If We Don’t Win, You Don’t Pay!
personal injury law

Has an unexpected injury altered your way of life? Are medical bills, fear of lost wages, and court dates a burdensome haze? If, like many of us, you are entirely in the dark when it comes to an understanding the personal injury claim process, then this blog post is just the thing to bring a little light—and relief! 

We have enlisted the expertise of our New York Personal Injury Attorneys from Gregory Spektor & Associates to develop a comprehensive guide on the ins and outs of the process. So read on to better understand the personal injury claims process and learn what you need to do to get help from an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury settlement lawyer.

What is a Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury claim is what the law calls a civil claim for financial compensation when someone has been hurt physically, mentally, or emotionally because of someone else’s carelessness. These kinds of harm can happen by accident, like when a doctor makes a mistake, someone trips and falls, gets in a car accident, gets hurt on the job, or is hurt in some other way that was not their or other party at fault.

The person who starts a personal injury lawsuit is called the plaintiff or claimant. This person asks a court to file a lawsuit to give them an award to make up for any losses they suffered because of someone else’s carelessness. This award can include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages, which are awarded to punish a defendant.

When a person files a claim for personal injury, it’s crucial that the evidence used to back up their case is reliable and the witness statements not biased. Additionally, statutes of limitation vary by state, which places a finite window on how long a victim has in order to file suit against the guilty party.

As you can see, this process can be highly complex, and each case must be judged independently based on the specific facts surrounding it. In the next part, we’ll talk about some of the different kinds of cases where you can file a personal injury claim.

Types of Personal Injury Claims

A personal injury claim can take many shapes and forms, and the types of damages that are sought will vary depending on the facts of the case. Personal injury claims often involve car accidents, serious medical treatment, malpractice, slip-and-falls, wrongful death, household or animal product liability, workplace liability (like wrongful termination or racial or gender discrimination), defamation claims, or any kind of intentional wrongdoing that causes physical harm or emotional distress. 

For example, if another driver’s carelessness causes a car accident, the person who was hurt may be able to get paid for the damage to their car, the time they had to miss work for medical appointments or treatment, and any other out-of-pocket costs related to their injuries. 

In some situations where an intentional act is causing harm, a plaintiff may even be able to seek punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages such as lost wages or medical bills. Punitive damages are meant to punish wrongdoers for being very careless or bad and to keep them from doing it again in the future. While collecting punitive damages is rarer than compensatory damages due to the higher standard they must meet to be awarded, they can still make up a significant part of the total award in a case. Whether or not a plaintiff has the right to ask for punitive damages instead of compensatory damages depends heavily on the details of the case.

No matter what form it takes or what type of damages it seeks, all successful personal injury claims will require evidence relevant to the personal injury trial you sustained. This evidence can help speed up the process and ensure that your case stands a chance of success at trial if necessary. 

In order to get started on filing a claim, you will need to move beyond understanding what a personal injury claim is to gather this crucial evidence and discover precisely how you can start the journey toward recovering from your trauma. Gregory Spektor & Associates help guide you every step of the way so you can receive just compensation for your suffering.

  • The average personal injury claim process takes 6 to 12 months to reach a settlement.
  • According to a survey from 2017, more than half (56%) of personal injury claimants take legal advice and instruct a solicitor to pursue their claim.
  • A report from 2020 found that 87% of personal injury cases result in a negotiated settlement rather than going all the way to trial.

Filing a Claim Through Gregory Spektor & Associates

A successful personal injury claim begins with filing a claim with Gregory Spektor & Associates. Finding the right attorneys is critical to assisting clients through the claims process. Their team is available to help fill out paperwork for insurance companies and other parties involved and, if necessary, to handle negotiations between the two parties. Since there are certain time restrictions on filing a personal injury claim through Specktor Law, it is important to ensure that you begin the process as soon as possible.

It is also essential to consider if you have any legal options outside your third party’s insurance company or policy. Depending on the type of injury and the circumstances surrounding it, victims may be able to seek extra compensation on top of what the insurance companies cover by default. The lawyers at Specktor Law can advise you on whether going to court would be good for your case.

Filing a successful personal injury claim through Specktor Law doesn’t always guarantee results, but using their knowledgeable lawyers will help you get through this process as easily and quickly as possible. Once these steps have been taken, the next step in understanding the claims process involves looking more closely at all the steps involved in a successful claim.

The Steps Involved in the Claim Process

Once a party has pursued a personal injury claim through Gregory Spektor & Associates, it is time to take the necessary steps to move your personal injury claim along. The first of these steps include researching state and local court laws for the jurisdiction in which you are filing your claim. It is essential to know all local statutes as they may limit your legal options as well as the amount of compensation you may be entitled to receive. It is also important that one understands their rights in court and how much power they may have in certain proceedings.

Next, people who might want to file a claim should talk to and get help from an experienced injury attorney. A personal injury lawyer can help make sure that your case is handled with care and accuracy and that your legal rights are protected throughout the whole thing. A serious injury lawyer can also help claimants figure out how much their claim or loss is worth, negotiate on their behalf, and keep track of all correspondence related to the claim.

Lastly, a claimant must document every step taken throughout their case as evidence for use in court if need be later on down the line. These documents will be beneficial when pursuing a case against an insurance company or another defendant. Documentation such as bills from ambulance rides, other medical records, reports from hospitals, lost wages from missed work days, etc. will all serve a purpose depending upon where a case goes and what it requires for a successful outcome.

Even though filing a personal injury claim through Gregory Spektor & Associates is a big step toward getting justice after an injury, there are still a few more steps to take right away to protect one’s rights in court and stay in line with local laws and statutes about personal injury claims. Understanding these steps is important if you want your legal battle to go smoothly. You can learn more about this by looking into the local court laws.

Exploring New York Laws

Exploring local court laws is crucial to understanding the personal injury claim process. While it is true that state and federal laws govern many aspects of the process, more localized court regulations can also have a notable impact on your case. Depending on the situation, you might find yourself having to navigate subtle differences between which courts accept specific types of cases and how they treat them.

For example, there may be very different rules about paperwork and other procedures in some places. That’s why it’s essential to do a lot of research and planning before filing a lawsuit because even slight differences can hurt or even ruin your chances of getting a good result. Also, it’s essential to think about whether a particular court has used specific evidence, motions, or methods when preparing and prosecuting a case in that jurisdiction.

A well-informed lawyer will also be able to guide you through this stage and help you assess any potential issues with local legalities. A good lawyer will know how to present your claims in the best way to the court that has jurisdiction over your case. With their knowledge, you can be sure that all the fine details of court proceedings are taken care of, giving you the best chance of getting a good result.

In the end, in most personal injury cases, knowing the rules set by local courts could be the difference between winning and losing. As a result, you must research local laws and get help from a professional who knows about these things as part of your pre-filing preparations as you try to settle your dispute.

Even if you have to spend a lot of time, in the beginning getting ready for a personal injury case, getting the right help can save you time and money in the long run by keeping you from making mistakes or wasting time because you don’t know how the court system in your area works. With that said, it’s now pertinent to see how long a personal injury process may take until its conclusion.

How Long Does the Personal Injury Process Take?

The personal injury claim process can take a long time, and sometimes even years, to be completed. This is reflective of the complicated nature of the court system and its legal diversity. There’s no set timeline, as each case is unique and has unique challenges. That said, time can be saved by settling out of court through mediation, which is discussed in the next section.

A person’s claim can be put off for a number of reasons, such as not having enough evidence to back it up or if the other side fights back with counterclaims that need to be disputed. Utilizing laws like statutes of limitations may aid in speeding up the process but won’t always work in a person’s favor depending on the laws established in their area.

Also, underlying problems can cause delays, like finding witnesses and hearing their stories or reviewing the documents both sides present. Courts go through abundant steps when vetting a case before concluding, causing potential delays along the way. On average, most cases will take around seven months to a year or more, depending on the outcome sought.

After talking about some of the delays and confusion in the average personal injury case and process timeline, it’s important to remember that there are ways to possibly speed up the process, such as mediating outside of court with the help of professionals who know the ins and outs. In the next section, we’ll talk about different ways to move forward with a personal injury claim, such as through mediation or settling out of court.

Mediation and Settling Out of Court

Mediation and making a deal outside of court are good options when considering how to handle a personal injury claim. Depending on the severity of the damage, it can be beneficial to choose one of these pathways. How long does this form of settlement take? Pursuing a settlement can resolve cases quicker than going to trial. Ultimately, speed is often beneficial for both parties involved in the case. Mediation or settling out of court is not always possible, depending on the circumstances and type of case being discussed.

There are pros and cons to choosing to avoid further legal action through a trial. For instance, cases that reach an early settlement before court proceedings tend to save money and time for both parties in the settlement process and court trial. This solution may provide greater confidentiality than going to trial. On the other hand, it may not always be the best route, as there is no way to ensure that either party receives fair compensation given that the agreement was reached outside of a court setting.

Staying out of court works best in some cases because they can provide a simpler and easier solution than partaking in legal proceedings at a trial, such as in medical malpractice, wrongful death, or auto accident cases where negotiation may find room for understanding without having to go through a lengthy trial process. Suppose an agreement is made to go through mediation or settle out of court instead of going through a lengthy trial process. In that case, each party should have proof that all terms were agreed upon correctly by ensuring everything is signed and documented between both parties before further resolving their lawsuit.

Before getting legal advice or hiring lawyers to help with a personal injury claim, all the pros and cons of mediation or settling out of court should be weighed. Going through this option can have timely advantages if done correctly, but it’s important to think about every angle when convincing yourself that staying out of court is a viable option for your specific case.

Looking to file a personal injury claim? Contact Gregory Spektor & Associates today to understand the personal injury claim processes and get the legal support you need. Our experienced team of attorneys can guide you through every step of the process and fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us now to schedule a consultation.

About The Author

Gregory Spektor

Gregory Spektor

Gregory Spektor, Esq. received his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Degree from NYU Poly in 1994 and thereafter his Juris Doctor Degree from Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center in 2006. more…