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Queens Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

An accident can leave you with severe and even debilitating injuries. If you sustained serious injuries in a motorcycle accident, you should reach out to an experienced Queens motorcycle accident lawyer. Our attorneys are ready to offer support, representation, and guidance for those harmed because of a motorcycle accident. 

Motorcycle accidents are some of the most devastating vehicle accidents on the road. In fact, according to statistics, the risk of harm to motorcyclists is about four times higher than the risk to people in passenger cars. Many of these accidents are not the fault of the motorcyclist. Instead, they often occur because another driver is not exercising caution. 


How Our Queens Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Can Help You

Our team of Queens motorcycle accident lawyers provides comprehensive support throughout every step of your case. From the initial review to crafting a strategic legal approach, we are committed to advocating for your rights and pursuing the compensation you deserve.

First, a Queens personal injury lawyer meticulously reviews the details of your case, gathering evidence, assessing liability, and working to understand the extent of your damages. This thorough examination forms the foundation upon which we build our legal strategy.

With that strategy in place, we engage in negotiations with insurers on your behalf to seek fair and just settlements that adequately address your losses. Throughout this process, we stand by your side, providing guidance and support while vigorously advocating for your best interests.

If we cannot reach a satisfactory settlement, we will take your case to court, and if necessary, to trial. Our experienced litigators will present compelling arguments and advocate on your behalf to pursue the best results and the maximum compensation available under the law.

Prior to and all throughout the legal proceedings, our priority remains your well-being and recovery. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that a motorcycle accident can take on you and your family. Our motorcycle accident lawyers are committed to delivering personalized, compassionate representation that puts your needs first.

We handle the legal burden so that you can focus on healing and rebuilding your life.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Queens

On the busy New York roadways, motorcycle accidents are unfortunately common. The negligence of other drivers is often the cause or a contributing factor for motorcycle accidents. There are certain irresponsible or negligent driving behaviors that may cause a motorcycle accident to happen, including:

  • Distracted driving
  • Lack of driver experience
  • Driving while drowsy or under the influence of alcohol 
  • Failure to yield the right of way
  • Poor vehicle maintenance
  • Reckless driving behaviors like operating a vehicle while drunk, speeding, following too closely or unsafe lane changes 
  • Disregarding traffic signals 

Adverse weather conditions, subpar road conditions such as potholes or black ice, limited visibility, and road design flaws increase the risk of traffic and motorcycle accidents as well. Also, because of their smaller size, motorcycles are at an increased risk of being overlooked and involved in an accident. For instance, drivers not noticing motorcyclists when merging or making left turns contribute to many motorcycle accidents in Queens. 

While the reasons are often similar to the factors that lead to other automobile accidents, the injuries that motorcyclists often suffer are more severe. The severity of these accidents makes it very important that those injured reach out to a Queens motorcycle accident attorney who can explain their options.


Common Injuries Suffered in Motorcycle Accidents in Queens

Motorcycles lack many of the protective features found in cars, such as sturdy frames, airbags, and seatbelts. As a result, accidents involving motorcycles pose greater risks of severe injuries. Even the use of protective gear like helmets, while helpful, cannot offer the same level of safety as the structural protection of another motor vehicle. Without those protections, a motorcyclist is only as protected as a pedestrian or person on a bicycle, which is to say, not protected at all.

Some of the common injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents include:

  • Head injuries: These are especially perilous when someone was hit when not using a helmet, potentially leading to brain damage.
  • Spinal injuries: Injuries to the spine or spinal cord can cause lifelong consequences, including paralysis.
  • Neck and back injuries: These disrupt daily life and often require extensive rehabilitation.
  • Road rash: This refers to abrasions from scrapes during accidents, which, in serious cases, may necessitate skin grafting surgery.
  • Broken bones and fractures: Such accident-related injuries limit normal functioning until fully healed and sometimes require surgery.
  • Cuts, bruises, strains, and sprains: Although these may seem comparatively minor, they can significantly affect mobility and daily tasks.

Treating these accident injuries may require hospitalization, surgeries, and long-term rehabilitation and can have lifelong consequences. During the recovery process, individuals may not be able to engage in previously enjoyed activities or even perform their jobs. The financial impact of medical care and the inability to work can be devastating. 

However, the ability to recover compensation in each accident case will vary. An attorney will need to review your individual case to discuss the potential value of your claim in an effort to collect the maximum amount possible. 

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Queens

Motorcycle accidents often lead to serious injuries, so the first priority needs to be medical attention. If you were in a motorcycle accident and injured, you need to seek treatment immediately. In the case that someone else sustained injuries in the accident, you should ensure they get the help they need. Other than that, there are a few steps you should take if you are able to:

  • Call the police immediately to get emergency help and document the accident.
  • Collect evidence by taking photos and videos of the accident scene, including injuries, vehicles involved, and road conditions.
  • Exchange information with other drivers involved, including their contact details and insurance information.
  • Gather contact information from witnesses, as they can provide crucial evidence.
  • Contact a lawyer 

Once you have a lawyer working on your accident case, they will help you gather evidence, protect your rights, prove your case, and seek compensation for your motorcycle accident injuries.

Can I Get Compensation After a Motorcycle Collision?

If you sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident in Queens, you may be eligible for compensation. Damages available to those injured in an accident may include:

  • Medical expenses (i.e., hospital bills, surgeries, therapies, and medication)
  • Long-term care costs if you have permanent disabilities.
  • Lost income or lost wages  due to time off work during recovery.
  • Compensation for future earning potential if you’re permanently disabled.
  • Pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment.
  • Repair or replacement costs for your motorcycle.

It’s worth noting that New York’s no-fault insurance laws don’t cover motorcycles. However, motorcycle accident victims can still file a claim against an at-fault driver’s insurance policy. A lawyer can help you explore compensation options available under the law and through an insurance company. 

Sometimes, a formula is used with the goal of estimating the total that your attorney will argue that you are entitled to. However, there is no guarantee that you will be getting the full amount. When you speak with a lawyer during a free case evaluation, you will have a better idea of what to expect.

What You Need to Know About Proving Fault for a Motorcycle Crash

In Queens, New York, motorcycle accidents, like all car crashes, are often complex and can involve multiple parties at fault.

Other Drivers:

The most common party involved is another driver whose negligence may have caused your motorcycle accident. If this happens in your case, you may seek compensation from them or their insurance companies. Some examples of negligent driving include speeding, violating traffic laws, distracted driving, or driving under the influence.

Your Motorcycle’s Manufacturer:

An improperly manufactured motorcycle can contribute to or worsen accident injuries. For instance, frame cracks, engine stalling, wheel defects, brake issues, or handlebar problems could lead to an accident and result in injuries.

The City or County:

Poorly maintained roads or environmental conditions can contribute to motorcycle accidents. If the government is responsible for those conditions, they may be liable for your injuries. 

Each case is different, so it’s important to speak to an experienced Queens motorcycle accident lawyer to determine the best course of action and strategy in your case. There are also motorcycle accident laws specific to New York state that might impact your claim.

New York Motorcycle Laws

If you choose to ride a motorcycle, there are certain New York laws you need to be familiar with in case they impact your accident case. Violating these laws can impact how a court handles your case.

Lane Splitting

New York law does not allow lane splitting. If you engage in this activity, you might be viewed as riding irresponsibly and, therefore, partly to blame for any related accident and medical costs.

Helmet Law

It is illegal to ride a motorcycle in New York without a proper helmet. This law applies to the driver and any passengers. While failure to wear a helmet won’t prevent riders from filing an accident claim, it can impact the damages available. For instance, the court may decide that you bear partial responsibility for your injuries and, as a result, argue for less compensation.

Statute of Limitations for Queens Motorcycle Accidents

Under New York law, the statute of limitations states that you have three years from the date of the motorcycle accident to file a lawsuit. Missing this deadline is possible and even likely to result in the court dismissing your case. 

Reaching out to a New York law firm sooner rather than later will help prevent you from missing the chance to initiate a lawsuitand collect damages for your medical expenses and other related costs. Remember that time is required to put together clients’ cases and complete an evaluation of the facts and circumstances. If you want to protect your right to file, reach out to an attorney as soon as possible.

How Much Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Queens Cost?

In motorcycle crash cases, lawyers often use a contingency fee arrangement. This fee structure means that your lawyer will only receive payment if they achieve a favorable outcome in your case. Rather than a set number, the fee comes in the form of a percentage of your compensation. 

In exchange for that percent, a Queens motorcycle accident attorney will handle various tasks for your case. From gathering evidence to support your legal strategy to negotiating with insurers and fighting on your behalf in court, your lawyer is your advocate throughout the legal process.

Contact Our Queens motorcycle accident lawyer at Spektor & Associates, P.C.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a Queens motorcycle accident, you need a knowledgeable legal representative who will fight for your rights. 

Contact the law office of Spektor & Associates P.C. today and schedule a free consultation with our experienced and compassionate Queens motorcycle accident attorneys.

Email Us at: [email protected]