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Queens Truck Accident Lawyer

Were you or a loved one injured in a truck accident? Accidents involving large trucks can be catastrophic, leading to life-changing injuries which can severely impact your quality of life. Dealing with the fallout is exhausting and challenging.

Our Queens truck accident lawyers are ready to assist you with your truck accident case. Contact us now for your free case evaluation.

According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, 5,788 people were killed in accidents involving large trucks in 2021 and 72% of the people killed in these crashes were occupants of other vehicles. In addition to fatalities, approximately 154,933 people sustained injuries in truck accidents.

At the Law Firm of Gregory Spektor & Associates, we work with victims who have suffered catastrophic and traumatic injuries due to another’s negligent actions.

Our track record for success is evidenced by the countless car accident cases we have won and the settlements we have obtained.

In some cases, our firm has won million-dollar settlements. While we cannot guarantee the outcome of your cases, you can be confident that we will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve.

Moreover, we never treat you like a statistic; you are more than just a result. We take pride in providing our clients with a personalized approach for their case.

What Is Considered a Large Truck?

The trucking industry is one of the largest growing industries in the U.S. In 2019, more than 2.7 million “truck tractors” and 11.6 million “other medium or heavy trucks” were registered and on the road.

Various types of trucks fall into the category of large trucks such as:

  • Semi-trucks and trailers
  • Dump trucks
  • Moving trucks
  • Delivery trucks


A truck is considered a “commercial motor vehicle” if its gross vehicle weight is greater than 10,000 pounds. The maximum total weight allowed by federal regulations is 80,000 pounds.

To put the size of large trucks into perspective, a small car usually weighs around 2,500 pounds, and pickup trucks or SUVs weigh anywhere from 3,500 to 6,000 pounds. This means that a truck with a full cargo load can weigh 32 times as much as a small car and approximately 20 times as much as a pickup or SUV.


Types of Truck Accidents in Queens

Large trucks can be dangerous if operated by reckless drivers or when poorly maintained. Several factors may be involved in a truck accident occurring. When a truck driver, trucking company, or truck manufacturer acts negligently, this puts other drivers on the roads of New York City at risk.

Due to the nature of commercial trucks– size, weight, length, speed, and truck/trailer combination– many types of truck accidents can occur. Common types of truck accidents in Queens include:

  • Jackknifed truck accidents
  • Wide turn accidents
  • U-turn accidents
  • Truck rollover accidents
  • Blind spot accidents
  • Head on collisions
  • Rear end collisions
  • T-Bone accidents
  • Hazardous material spills
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents


Some of the most common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Weather
  • Poor driving conditions
  • Speeding
  • Impaired driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Driver error
  • Truck brake failure
  • Mechanical failure
  • Poor maintenance
  • Truck tire blowouts
  • Unsecured cargo


Whatever the reasons, sometimes even the most minor of these accidents can cause serious harm to others driving, walking, or bicycling on the road.

What Do I Do After a Truck Accident in Queens?

Being involved in a crash with a semi-truck can be scary. After accidents happen, those involved often are not sure what is the best course of action.

After a semi-truck accident in Queens, New York you should:

1. Contact Queens’ law enforcement and emergency services: After an accident, immediately contact emergency services. First responders can assess and clear the scene.

2. Document the accident: To the extent that you are able to, take photos of the accident scene, damages, and gather information from other drivers involved in the crash.

3. Receive medical attention: Even if you think you may not be injured, it is important to promptly receive medical attention. Some injuries are not identifiable right away.

4. Contact your insurance company: Following a truck collision, it is important to inform your insurance company as soon as possible and provide them with details regarding the accident, other drivers, and damages.

5. Contact a Queens truck accident attorney: Getting support early with your truck accident case can be beneficial. The assistance of an experienced attorney can give you peace of mind while you recover from the accident.

Common Queens Truck Accident Injuries

Injuries from trucking accidents can be life-altering. A collision can cause severe harm, especially because of the size of large trucks.

Some common types of injuries caused by truck accidents in Queens include:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations and abrasions
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Joint injuries: shoulder, knee, etc.
  • Psychological trauma


If you were involved in a truck accident in Queens, New York, don’t hesitate to contact our law firm. Our Queens truck accident lawyers are here to assist you and get you fair compensation, so you can focus on getting well.

We understand that you have options when hiring an auto accident lawyer. Our past client testimonials speak to the dedication, care, and service we provide our clients.

How Do Truck Accident Lawsuits Work in Queens?

After truck accidents happen, victims need to take steps to secure their claim. Drivers, trucking companies, truck manufacturers, and insurance companies may all be liable for damages.

Insurance Claim

The first step to recovering damages after a truck accident is to make an insurance claim. This usually involves reporting the accident to your car insurance company.

Your insurance company will likely want to know the date and location of the accident, the names of the drivers, any property damage, whether a police report was filed, and if you needed medical attention.

Negotiations and Settlement

After you make a truck accident claim, the insurance company will likely make an offer to settle. Settlements can occur at any time during the process, even after you file a lawsuit.

A settlement is an out-of-court agreement between the parties– insurance companies, truck drivers, trucking companies, and victims– that any legal claims one party may have against the other have been settled for a certain amount of compensation and those claims cannot be further pursued.

Insurance companies may want to settle quickly. However, having a skilled Queens personal injury lawyer by your side can be critical during settlement negotiations, potentially maximizing your compensation by getting the best offer possible.

Filing a Lawsuit

You have three years from the date of your injury to file a lawsuit in the state of New York. If you and the other parties involved in the accident are unable to settle before the statute of limitations runs, you can preserve your claim by filing a lawsuit.

Common defendants in trucking accident cases include the truck driver, trucking company, trucking company’s insurer, and your own insurance company.

Assistance from an experienced truck accident attorney can be critical at this stage and to ensure you file before the statute runs. Their knowledge of the law serves an important role in the success of your truck accident lawsuit.

Discovery and Pretrial

After a lawsuit has been filed, your case will go into discovery. This means that the parties will begin collecting evidence about the truck accident and your claim to build their cases.

Attorneys for both sides will likely file several pretrial motions regarding the issues and evidence in the case.

Trial and Judgment

If your trucking accident case is not settled during the pendency of your case, it will go to trial. During the trial, the plaintiff and defendant(s) will present their sides to the judge and jury. The judge and jury will then enter judgment based on the laws and the cases presented to them.

Compensation for Your Injuries

If you were injured by a negligent truck driver, you may be wondering what compensation is available to you. The repercussions of an accident can lead to unexpected expenses, causing financial strain.

New York is a pure comparative negligence state meaning that even if you are partially to blame for an accident you can still recover. However, your award may be limited or reduced based on your percentage of fault.

Under New York law, victims can be compensated for:

  • Medical Bills: Truck accidents can lead to mounting medical bills. From the initial emergency room bill to rehabilitation, your recovery can include compensation for all treatments related to your accident.
  • Lost Wages: An accident can cause you to take time off of work. Depending on the severity, you could be out of work for days, months, or years. Truck accidents may also cause a long-term loss of income if victims are unable to return to their previous jobs. You may be able to seek compensation for lost income and diminished earning capacity.
  • Property Damages: You can recover the cost to repair or replace your vehicle and other personal property damaged or lost in an accident.
  • Pain and Suffering: The harm caused by commercial truck accidents can lead to enduring pain and psychological trauma. While more difficult to calculate than other types of compensation, you may be able to recover for your daily pain and emotional distress. However, based on a number of factors, your ability to get damages for pain and suffering may be limited, that’s why it’s typically advisable to speak with a truck accident attorney to discuss what damages may be available to you.
  • Punitive Damages: In New York, you may be entitled to punitive damages after an accident if the responsible party acted recklessly or maliciously. Unlike other types of compensation, these damages are intended to punish the party at fault for your injury. In general, an award of punitive damages is very rare.

The type of compensation available to you will depend on the circumstances of your case. Your truck accident lawyer in Queens can help you determine what damages you can recover and your potential for recovery.

How Can a Queens Truck Accident Lawyer Help?

The knowledgeable Queens truck accident attorneys at Gregory Spektor & Associates will serve as your:

  • Investigator: We will review your claim, the evidence, police report, photographs, and statements. We can also research the trucking company and truck driver for prior violations of DOT rules. At our firm, we use our experience with truck accident cases to identify the critical information in your matter.
  • Negotiator: Let us handle the insurance companies. We will negotiate on your behalf with insurers, liable parties, and opposing counsel to maximize your settlement after an accident.
  • Advocate: Get the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers are here to advocate on your behalf and hold the at-fault parties accountable during these hard times. We will use our knowledge of the law, legal system, and connections with experts to represent your interests every step of the way, in court and beyond.

Injured? Contact a Queens Truck Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one were injured in a trucking accident in Queens, New York, you don’t have to fight alone. No accident is the same and each case is unique.

At the Law Firm of Gregory Spektor & Associates, our truck accident attorneys will fight for the compensation you deserve and need to secure your future.

Don’t get less than you deserve after a truck accident. The team at Gregory Spektor & Associates will leverage their professional knowledge and experience with personal injury law to provide you with personalized service. Our reviews speak to our dedication to and care for our clients. We are here to answer your questions.

Were you injured by a negligent truck driver in Queens? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.